VetConnexx, an Atlanta-based outsourcing company, said it will hire more than 300 veterans and their family members at the new Gwinnett County customer service contact center.

The center is housed in a 30,987-square-foot facility at 3100 Breckenridge Blvd., in Duluth.

The facility will manage communications between VetConnexx’s corporate clients and their customers. Such centers handle customer care, telemarketing, live web help desk, e-mail processing and other services for clients. They differ from centers that just field customers’ phone calls.

VetConnexx, headed by retired U.S. Army Gen. Larry Ellis, said the new center initially will have more than 300 employees but it’s large enough to house more than 500 employees.

“We believe this is a thriving community that will enable us to continue providing jobs for veterans, as well as offering excellent support services to our clients,” Ellis said in announcing the new operation with Gwinnett Chamber Economic Development.

The center will be one of the latest companies in the newly created Greater Gwinnett Place Opportunity Zone, an area where new businesses can qualify for tax credits for creating jobs, credits that can be used against the company’s tax liability and state payroll withholding. The credits can add up to $3,500 per job created.

The Greater Gwinnett Place zone extends north and southward along I-85 from Steve Reynolds Boulevard exit to the Old Norcross Road overpass and east to west along Pleasant Hill Road from Club Drive to Old Norcross. The area includes Gwinnett Place Mall, Mall Corners, Primerica’s former campus, Gwinnett Commerce Center and the Corporate Center.

More than a dozen companies have either opened new operations or expanded existing operations in the new zone, which is one of three in Gwinnett. The companies include National DCP, HAMACO Industries Corp., Idaka America Inc., Okya (USA) Inc., Macopharma and Telesource Inc.