Hice rescinds endorsement of Marjorie Greene after racist comments surface

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene

U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, took back his endorsement of Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District race.

Hice’s statement is significant because the caucus, which represents the House’s most conservative members, helped recruit Greene to run for this seat and has poured nearly $200,000 into her campaign.

On Wednesday, Hice, R-Monroe, joins other Republicans in criticizing racist, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic remarks that Greene has made over the years and which were detailed in a Politico article. He announced Thursday he was pulling his endorsement.

"In the midst of these difficult times, it is more important than ever before that we have leaders in Washington who can heal our nation, not divide it further," Hice wrote on Facebook. "I find Marjorie Taylor Greene's statements appalling and deeply troubling, and I can no longer support her candidacy in Georgia's 14th Congressional District."

Hice did not say whether he would back Republican John Cowan in the August runoff against Greene. Cowan, a Rome neurosurgeon, has attempted to capitalize off the negative attention on his opponent, who did not defend or apologize for her comments.

Instead, Greene posted a lengthy statement on social media accusing news reporters of bias and fellow Republicans of being spineless. Georgia Reps. Doug Collins, Drew Ferguson, Rick Allen, Buddy Carter and Austin Scott were among the incumbents who criticized her past statements, and they were joined by House Republian Whip Steve Scalise and former Congresswoman Karen Handel.

“No one intimidates me,” Greene wrote on Twitter. “Not the Democrats, Not George Soros, not the Fake News Media, and not the DC Swamp.”

Cowan replied: "Vote #CowanForCongress: All of the conservative, none of the embarrassment."

Read more: Cowan gains steam in 14th District as Greene's remarks draw scrutiny


Hice criticized Greene’s comments initially, but he came back with a statement Thursday saying he was pulling his support.