In DeKalb, there are likely a lot of unhappy Lakeside High School parents who just found out, while their seniors can attend Saturday's graduation ceremony, they may have to wait on their diplomas due to a testing misstep.
Here is DeKalb's statement on the issue:
All seniors who took their EOC assessment as a paper and pencil test will have the opportunity to participate in commencement exercises, if the scores are not returned to the District prior to the graduation.
However, if the scores come back and they do not earn a passing grade in the class, the student will not have the opportunity to participate in the commencement exercises and will have to attend summer school and retake the EOC during the summer to earn a high school diploma.
If the scores come back after the commencement exercises and the student does not pass the class, the student will have to attend summer school and retake the EOC during the summer to earn a high school diploma.
The school and the district will be hosting three meetings at Lakeside High School to provide parents with an opportunity to ask additional questions regarding this matter. These meetings will occur in the Lakeside cafeteria, and parents may select any one the times below to attend:
Wednesday May 18 @ 6:00 PM
Thursday, May 19 @ 10:00 AM
Thursday, May 19 @ 6:00 PM
Here is the letter parents got today:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that as a senior, your student's End of Course assessment that was given during the week of May 2, 2016, should have been administered as an online assessment. This is done to allow a timely return of the scores, which count as 20% of your child's final average in their EOC course; however, your child was given a paper/pencil version of the test in error.
This administration of a paper/pencil version of the test may result in the score results being delayed; however, your child will still have the opportunity to participate in graduation exercises if the scores are not returned to the District prior to graduation. It is important to note, however, that if the scores do come back prior to graduation, and your child's overall final average is not a passing grade, you child will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies and will need to take the appropriate steps to make-up the course. What is unique in this situation is that your child will be allowed to participate in graduation exercises if the results from the paper/pencil assessment are not returned prior to the ceremonies. All elements associated with graduation status still apply and will be finalized when transcripts and student records are provided to the state on June 15, 2016.
The school and the district will be hosting additional informational meetings at the dates and times below. These meetings will occur in the school cafeteria and will provide you with an opportunity to ask any additional questions you may have.
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