Hugh Jackman, who earned an Academy Award nod for his portrayal of Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables," takes on the lead role in another historical biopic, now filming in Atlanta.

He plays former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart in "Front Runner," set in an ancient era of time - when allegations of womanizing were sufficiently scandalous to derail a bid for the White House.

"How could a man so dangerously flawed come so close to persuading us that he was fit to lead a superpower through the perils of the nuclear age?" Vanity Fair gasped after Hart exited the presidential race in 1987, after he was photographed canoodling with a woman other than his wife.

MORE: Ryan Gosling will play Neil Armstrong in "First Man," filming in Atlanta

Hart famously challenged the press to put a tail on him amid rumors of his extracurricular activities. They did, and the photo of him on board a boat named "Monkey Business" with Donna Rice in his lap eventually ended his campaign.

Sara Paxton plays Rice and Vera Farmiga plays Lee Hart, married to Gary Hart since 1958, in the movie directed by Jason Reitman.