Donald Trump is receiving loads of criticism since proposing a ban on Muslims entering the United States but a columnist from across the pond is more than on board.
"Empire" screenwriter blasts Donald Trump using Trump's own video
Credit: Jennifer Brett
Credit: Jennifer Brett
In a column for the celebrity-heavy Daily Mail, Hopkins noted that you can't actually prevent people from a religion from coming to America.
Credit: Jennifer Brett
Credit: Jennifer Brett
"It took the President a couple of days to even admit the attack was terror and when he did finally address a nervous nation on Sunday night his tone-deaf message was that Muslims were their 'friends, neighbours and sports heroes,'" she wrote. " In contrast, Trump IS providing leadership. He knows some of his grand-standing is hot air. But he is articulating a sentiment held by millions and reinforcing himself as a protector of the American people."
Her tweet in support of Trump is generating lots of response, including from folks eager to help her pack. Here's a look: