"Baby Driver," a high-speed thriller with Ansel Elgort in the title role and also starring Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, Jon HammLily James, Jon Bernthal and Eiza González, felt the love deep in the heart of Texas.

The movie, filmed in Atlanta and due out Aug. 11, was among the Audience Award winners at the prestigious SXSW festival.

Here's a link to all the winners in film and other categories .

Elgort plays a getaway driver for a crime boss in the movie, which filmed right around the corner from the AJC last year. The scene involved a bank robbery and a former bank location in the Perimeter area made for a perfect filming spot.

We went to check out the filming one day;  check out these photos showing a simulated heist and shootout.

Here's the trailer. (See if you can spot the AJC's cameo!)