The new movie "Steve Jobs," with Michael Fassbender portraying the quirky (and jerky) genius behind so much of the gadgetry permeating our society, is entertaining but rife with inaccuracies, writes Atlanta computer historian David Greelish, founder of the Historical Computer Society and the Atlanta Historical Computing Society, publisher of the zine "Historically Brewed" and director of the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast 1.0.
Credit: Jennifer Brett
Credit: Jennifer Brett
MORE COVERAGE: Jeff Daniels loved dialogue-heavy role in "Steve Jobs"
The movie, in Atlanta theaters now, gives little indication of (Jobs') brilliance," writes Greelish, a Time magazine contributor. "He is portrayed as a borderline sociopath with little regard to anyone except himself."
Greelish also takes issue with other aspects of the film, directed by Danny Boyle from the screenplay by Aaron Sorkin, based on Walter Isaacson's book, including details regarding product launches.
"I’m OK with artistic license to a degree so that a compelling story may be told, but it doesn’t seem right to me to play loose and fast with the facts" he writes.
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