"Earth Defense Force 4.1" is a new exclusive action game for PlayStation 4. Credit: Xseed Games
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“Earth Defense Force 4.1” is a new exclusive action game for PlayStation 4. Credit: Xseed Games

New video games out this week

"Earth Defense Force 4.1." Exclusive to the PlayStation 4, this remake of "Earth Defense Force 2025" adds a significant amount of new content, improved high-definition graphics and revised missions, including 98 online missions that can be played with up to four players. It's a big action shooter in a war against bugs, robots and other large-scale enemies. Rated M for Mature. $50 for PlayStation 4.

"Starwhal." A hit at the Fantastic Arcade festival, this "Joust"-like battle game for up to four players features neon narwhals dueling in space. Seriously. Rated E-10+ for Everyone 10 and Older. $12, downloadable for Xbox One.

Also out this week: "Cosmic League" (PC), "Helldivers" (PC), "Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space" (PlayStation Vita), "The Sims 4: Get Together" (PC, Mac), "Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII" (PC), "Pale Echoes" (PC), "PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist" (PC), "Devil's Third" (Nintendo Wii U), "Dragon's Wake" (PC), "Stories of Bethem: Full Moon" (PC).