Stack savings at Publix
Nexium, Zyrtec, razors: Save more by combining Publix store coupons with manufacturers coupons from the Sunday AJC. Look in Publix store racks for a purple circular that says "Over $50 in Coupon Savings" across the top. Use the $5 store coupon for Nexium (42 count) with the $2 Nexium coupon in the May 3 RedPlum to save $7. Use the $3 coupon for selected varieties of Zyrtec (24-70 count) along with the $4 Zyrtec coupon from the May 3 SmartSource to save $7 off one package. Find a coupon that gives you $10 off when you buy $20 of selected Edge, Schick Hydro and Xtreme3 shave gel and razors. Combine that high-value store coupon with multiple manufacturers coupons for the same items from the May 17 SmartSource circular ranging from $1 to $3 off items.
Save on Beverages
Soda, water: Rite Aid has Coke and 7UP products (12-pack cans) on sale for $3.33 each when you buy three. Use the in-ad coupon for Coke on the front page of the Rite Aid circular to get $1 off three, or the in-ad 7UP coupon on page 11 of the ad to pay $3 each. Bottled water (32-pack of 16.9-ounce bottles) is $2.99 each, or less than 10 cents per bottle. Walgreens has Coke and Pepsi products (12-pack cans) on sale for $3.33 each when you buy three.
Personal Care savings at Walgreens
Off!: Walgreens has selected varieties of Off! insect repellent on sale for $5.49. Use the $1 store coupon from the June Savings Booklet along with the 75-cent manufacturers coupon from the May 17 SmartSource to pay $3.74 each.
Ban, Scunci, Yardley: Walgreens has Ban Total Refresh Cooling Body Cloths (10 count) on sale for $1.99. Use the $1.50 coupon from the June 7 SmartSource to pay 49 cents each. Scunci No Damage Hair Elastics (27 count) are on sale for $2.99. You will get a $2 Register Rewards coupon, so your net cost will be 99 cents each. Yardley bar soap (4.25 ounce) is on sale for 69 cents each. Use the $1-off-four coupon from the May 31 SmartSource to pay 44 cents each.
Chewing Gum
Wrigley's, Extra: Walgreens has Wrigley's or Extra Gum (15 count) on sale for 75 cents each when you buy two. You will get 1,000 Balance Rewards points worth $1.25 for a net cost of 13 cents each. If the Juicy Fruit Starburst Flavors variety is included in the promotion, you can use its 75-cents-off-two coupon from the March 29 RedPlum to pay 38 cents each at the register with a final net cost of zero plus a 25 cent profit from the Register Rewards coupon.
Stephanie Nelson, The Coupon Mom, has been teaching Georgia shoppers how to save since 2000.
The full Coupon Mom column appears Thursdays in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Deal Spotter section. It’s full of great local deals and exclusive offers. Visit the Coupon Mom website for more great tips and printable grocery coupons.
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