There is a disturbing trend among singles that we have to confront right now: lazy dating. This zero effort, never having a plan kind of approach to dating is too commonplace. I want it to be widely known and accepted that if someone invites you over for couch dating within 1 week of meeting you, that’s a red flag.

First of all, why are we hurriedly inviting people we just met over to our private residences?? It is not smart or safe. Be leery of someone anxious to see your place. If you are too eager to see someone’s bedroom, you probably don’t have real plans to stick around long.

Secondly, unless you own Playboy Mansion, how entertaining can your place possibly be? Yeah, your 60 inch tv is awesome and your surround sound rocks, but that can wait until month 2 or 3. Atlanta is a great city to explore and traipse around in – some places requiring very little money. Get out of the house and date in public first.

When do you think couch dating is appropriate? Does it bother you when your date wants one of those at home dates too soon?