Q: I’m pretty sure I bought Carbona odor-free oven and grill cleaner at Lowe’s in the past, but they no longer have it. Where can I find it? Thanks. — Bill Johnson, Woodstock
A: Bill, you can find Carbona 2-in-1 Oven Rack and Grill Cleaner that is scent-free at Morgan’s Ace Hardware, 7337 Main St., Woodstock, 770-926-3281. A 16.8-ounce bottle costs $9.99.
Q: Where can I find original Agree Shampoo? If it’s not available, is there cologne or another product with this scent? Thanks. — Fred Bentley, email
Credit: Agree Brands
Credit: Agree Brands
A: Agree shampoo was launched in the 70s when S.C. Johnson branched out beyond household cleaners to include personal grooming products. Tagged with the slogan, “Fight the Greasies,” Agree became one of the most popular shampoos at the time. Walter Landon, a legend in branding and product design, who helped to make Levi Strauss, FedEx, and myriad consumer goods, banking institutions and airlines household names, designed the bottle for S.C. Johnson. An original version of Landon’s iconic design is with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.
Although Agree was discontinued, the good news for fans is that the shampoo and conditioner with the original scent are back as Agree Classic with a redesigned bottle. Pinnacle Brands Group offers them online through agreebrands.com. The shampoo and conditioner come in 32-ounce bottles and sell for $9.99 each.
Not surprisingly, nostalgic demand for the Agree fragrance has generated a few colognes sold on Etsy and other online sources. However, the reviews are mixed, and none claim that the scent exactly mimics the original Agree.
Q: Where can I buy maple spread made by Turkey Hill? It’s a Canadian product that’s delicious on French toast. Thank you. — Carol S., Atlanta
A: Turkey Hill Pure Maple Spread is available at Cost Plus World Market, 4733 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, 678-731-0014. A 5.6-ounce jar sells for $9.99.
Having trouble finding a particular item? Sabine Morrow will try to help you locate it. Because of the volume of mail, we cannot track down every request. Email sabinem.morrow@gmail.com (include your name, the city you live in and a daytime phone number) or call 404-526-5931 and leave a voicemail with that information.
Sabine Morrow is a freelance writer who has been digging up hard-to-find items and services for readers since 2004.
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