"Dead Island: Definitive Collection." The once-controversial zombie franchise is collected and remastered for next-gen consoles and PC in this set which includes the original game, "Riptide" and "Retro Revenge." Rated M for Mature. $40 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.
"The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine." The second and final expansion for the hit adventure/role-playing game promises to conclude the story properly with another 20+ hours of content. Rated M for Mature. $20 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Also out this week: "Hitman Episode 3: Marrakesh" (PS4, Xbox One, PC), "Daydreamer: Awakened Edition" (PS4, Xbox One), "The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood" (PC, Mac), "One Piece: Burning Blood (Xbox One, PS4, PlayStation Vita), "Shadow Blade: Reload" (PS4), "SteamWorld Heist" (PS4, Vita), "There Came an Echo" (PS4), "TurnOn" (PC, Xbox One), "Sacred Line Genesis Remix" (PC), "Coffee Pot Terrarium" (PC), "VR Regatta" (PC), "Hashtag Dungeon" (PC), "The Concourse" (PC), "Ara Fell" (PC), "KartKraft" (PC), "Anima: Gate of Memories" (PS4, PC, Xbox One), "Dangerous Golf" (Xbox One), "Garlock Online" (PC), "Apocalypse: Party's Over" (PC), "World of Fishing" (PC), "Waltz of the Wizard" (PC), "The Aetherlight: Chronicles of Resistance" (PC), "Planet Centauri" (PC).
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