Kennesaw State’s new live mascot made its debut Saturday and has a familiar name: Sturgis.

The owl is named after the university’s first president, Horace Sturgis, who led Kennesaw State from 1965-80.

Sturgis was selected from almost 700 names that were submitted in a contest run by the university. The 700 names were whittled to seven. Other names considered were General, General Kane, Kane Sturgis, Kenny the Owl, Owlbert Talon, Spec Busbee and Talon.

Sturgis oversaw the transformation of Kennesaw State from a junior college to a college.

The live mascot made its debut Saturday during “Flight Night” at the KSU Convocation Center. The owl, a Great Horned Owl, is nesting at Winding Woods Ranch in Commerce.