Kevin Durant has company in the secret Twitter account department.
The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's wife, Jane Skinner Goodell, has been operating an anonymous Twitter account to speak out against those who criticize her husband.
Examples of what Goodell would tweet from her now-deleted Twitter account, conveniently named @forargument, can be read below:
The Wall Street Journal discovered Goodell was the operater because the not so anonmyous Twitter account followed accounts associted with her childrens’ school.
Goodell confirmed to the Wall Street Journal Thursday that she was the operator of @forarguement.
“It was a really silly thing to do and done out of frustration—and love,” Goodell wrote. “As a former media member, I’m always bothered when the coverage doesn’t provide a complete and accurate picture of a story. I’m also a wife and a mom. I have always passionately defended the hard-working guy I love—and I always will. I just may not use Twitter to do so in the future!”
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