Braves fans make their own logos

The Braves are moving from Atlanta to Cobb County in 2017.

While politicos continue to debate the reasons behind the team's decision to move, a large number of supporters, detractor and cynics have made their voice heard -- online.

Several Internet empresarios have taken to Twitter, Instagram and other social media outlets with colorful versions of what the other decisions the Braves should be making in regards to their logo.

Here are just some examples of branding suggestions:

New Braves logo. I'm in love. #BravesMove #Burbs RT @AJCBuzz: You had to know someone would come up with this.

Makes me think of little league baseball.

Behold the new #Braves logo!

Here are examples of introducing the Braves' move:

Coming in 2017: The 'Burbs remake starring Fredi Gonzales. #Braves

Here's one example questioning the move:

"Turner Field…[has] very few immediate parking areas around the stadium."