You worked hard for your nursing degree, but the past two years have you rethinking being at bedsides. It’s a common issue many nurses have been dealing with during the pandemic.

But before you leave a career you love, check out these remote nursing jobs that can be done from anywhere — even your couch.

Telephone triage nurse

According to, medical facilities and doctors will often hire highly qualified nurses to run their triage via the phone. These nurses speak with patients, assess symptoms and recommend the best course of action before the patient shows up at the facility. These tele-triage nurses can often answer patient questions, allowing other health care professionals and support staff to focus on patients in the clinic.

Tele-nurses can provide valuable medical advice to patients with a wide variety of problems, so they need experience in a clinical setting before taking on this home nursing job.

You also don’t have to limit your job search to medical clinics and hospitals. Some national companies like CVS Pharmacies hire telephonic nurses to help their customers.

Nurse recruiters

No one knows what makes a good nurse better than another nurse. Nurse recruiters help hospitals maintain adequate staffing levels.

Most nurse recruiters interview candidates and act as a liaison between the facility and candidate during the hiring process. In normal times, writes, you’d probably attend job fairs and visit nursing schools; however, most of these events have gone virtual since the pandemic.

Like nurse educators, health care recruiters can help shape the profession by finding qualified applicants for hospitals, doctor’s offices and home health care providers.

Legal nurse consultant

Legal nurse consultants are registered nurses who share their expertise with attorneys to evaluate relevant, complex information in legal cases. They bridge the gap between the legal process, health care science and patient outcomes.

The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants identifies the following practice areas for legal nurse consultants:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Personal injury
  • Long-term care litigation/elder law
  • Product liability
  • Toxic tort
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Risk management
  • Life care planning
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Forensic/criminal
  • Civil rights
  • Employment discrimination
  • Medicare set-asides

Freelance writer

Nurses who enjoy writing have found freelancing to be a good fit. The medical field relies on well-researched materials not only for health care professionals but also for the general public.

Writers might put together promotional materials, journal articles, press releases or other publications. An experienced medical writer can also be an essential part of a medical website, facility or drug manufacturer.

Clinical research

Clinical research lets you take part in developing medications, treatments and vaccines. Some of the research-related tasks that a remote clinical research nurse performs may include:

  • Overseeing clinical trials
  • Recruiting trial participants
  • Educating and training research staff
  • Administering questionnaires to clinical trial participants
  • Writing grant applications
  • Speaking with clinical trial participants to explain procedures and listening to concerns
  • Keeping detailed records with electronic medical records (EMR)
  • Writing articles and researching reports

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