Unvaccinated are being selfish, short-sighted
While it is sad and tragic that thousands of people are contracting COVID-19, and some are being hospitalized and dying, I feel less and less sympathy for them now than six months ago.
Everyone now knows or should know that vaccinations and mask-wearing are essential to avoid getting and spreading the disease.
Those who refuse to get vaccinated or refuse to mask are being selfish and short-sighted. These actions perpetuate the spreading of the disease and enable the germs to mutate and infect other people, particularly children, even if the carriers don’t show symptoms.
I don’t accept their lame notions of “liberty” and “freedom”-- these are simply excuses for not doing the right thing. Unfortunately, they are being influenced by those on the Right and others who spread disinformation, lies and conspiracy theories.
School officials, business owners and government entities have every right and obligation to require masks, if not require proof of vaccination.
Buchanan needs replacing as conservative columnist
It is past time to replace Pat Buchanan as one of your “From The Right” columnists. Mr. Buchanan continues to stand by the old and tired complaints of Democrats as socialists, lacking patriotism and generally leading us to the ruination of the United States. He wants us to ignore the insurrection of Jan. 6, autocratic tendencies and Republican efforts to politicize vaccinations and masks, thereby giving Republicans ammunition to use against Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections. However, my biggest criticism is his distortion of the facts. In his August 8 column, he laughably refers to the Republican Party as the “conservative party of lower taxes, balanced budgets and free-market solutions to social problems.” While he complains about deficits, he fails to mention the huge tax cut given to the top 1% during Trump’s term, which greatly increased the nation’s debt.
And when have free-market solutions solved any social problems without governmental intervention? It is time to find a voice that is more in touch with the events of today.