Hold accountable those putting students in danger of virus
The crime of child endangerment is when an adult has done some act or omission to act that puts any child in danger of being seriously injured, killed, or rendered disabled or handicapped from mental or physical limitations that are caused by being placed in a dangerous situation.
If a student is injured and the teacher is found negligent, that teacher is fired, prosecuted, and sued. Now that students will certainly become sick, hospitalized, and even die from COVID exposure at school, why don’t the same standards apply to parents and politicians who force kids back to schools without mask mandates?
Are parents so eager not to have their “rights” infringed upon that they fail to consider the dire consequences? Instead, they’d rather put children at risk instead of just wearing a mask and getting a vaccine. Aren’t parents supposed to protect their kids?
Luckovich Afghan cartoon has no basis in reality
Words fail me in trying to express my dismay at the repulsive Luckovich cartoon published in the Aug. 20 AJC edition. It portrays several Taliban discussing how they can re-assure “Afghan women who fear we’ll abolish their freedoms.” Such a pretend discussion, of course, has no basis in reality. It didn’t occur when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s and won’t occur in the present or future. Taliban leaders have already announced no democracy there because there will only be the repressive Sharia Law of extreme Islam.
But the cartoon only gets worse, showing the Taliban’s supposed solution, holding up a sign assuring Afghan women they’re “Not Republicans.” How can Luckovich stoop to making a stupid political attack when real Afghans’ and American citizens’ lives are in jeopardy from those barbaric terrorists? If Afghans had any choice at all, which they don’t, they’d happily pick Republicans as their government in a heartbeat.