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Online betting revenues would help state’s youngest learners

Georgians should not be forced to decide whether they can work or have a family, yet that is the reality for countless parents across the state. Legalizing online sports betting could help solve that problem.

As a mother of a 4-year-old and someone who doesn’t wage on sports. I’m willing to wager on the importance of more funding for Georgia public pre-K. Revenue from online sports betting could bring anywhere from $100-$140 million to pre-K annually.

Increasing access and funding for pre-K is not simply an educational issue, it’s an economic one. On March 15, Georgia parents will learn whether they’ve secured their child a pre-K spot in a nearby program. Those who don’t will face tough decisions, including leaving the workforce, moving to another area, or paying for expensive private pre-K.

Legalizing online sports betting can help fix this by adding more classrooms, lowering class sizes and giving pre-K teachers desperately needed raises. This is good for students, families and communities. What the lottery did for the HOPE Scholarship, sports betting could do for our youngest learners.


No mention of bipartisan bill addressing border issue

I agree with Georgia Insurance Commissioner John King (“I’ve been on the border. We need a fix,” AJC, Feb. 27) that we do indeed need a fix when it comes to our southern border and immigration.

However, I find it disingenuous that he’s calling upon our Democratic Senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to introduce legislation while conveniently omitting any mention of our state’s Republican representatives in Congress.

Perhaps he needs to be reminded that a bipartisan bill from the Senate aimed at addressing the border and other critical issues is now being held hostage by members of his own political party.