With sufficient funding, DFCS can give kids hope

We need some basic logic about funding the Georgia Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS). Consider the AJC.com article of Feb. 3, “DFCS Caseworkers in Georgia: It’s Like Being in an Emergency Room,” due to a severe shortage of workers. An article on Feb. 2, “State House Leaders OK $1B Tax Cut on Property,” mentions consecutive years of massive tax surpluses in Georgia.

So, DFCS needs more money and the state has more money than it needs. Hmmm, do I sense a solution here?

Minor children are not to blame for their living situations. Give children hope through a highly professional DFCS staff with relevant college degrees, beginning pay of $55K and enough staff to meet children’s needs. Otherwise, some children may grow up to break the law as a last resort. Maybe politicians would like to reduce crime.


State takeover of healthcare market won’t help consumers

The ACA has always been a paltry substitute for universal healthcare, but the state’s taking it over won’t help things. After all, the state just turned down a full Medicaid extension, adopted by 39 other states, for a state-tailored “waiver” program that will cover far fewer people at five times the cost per person. And it introduces extraneous bureaucratic hurdles and restrictions!

Why is the state doing this? Apart from resentment of a successful federal program, that’s unclear. However, it is clear that covering as many people as possible isn’t the state’s objective.

So, stepping in now to take over for the ACA does not bode well. Lust for the fees the ACA collects from insurers isn’t a good enough rationale. Plus, the state’s record of protecting consumers from corporate gouging generally is not great. For example, Georgia is the only place consumers are forced to prepay for an extravagantly costly nuclear plant/money pit.

Muddling with ACA is at least consistent with underperforming on Medicaid. But you know what they say about foolish consistency.