Atlanta loves the Braves, the Falcons and, apparently, the Red, White and Blue.

At least, according to, it does. In a recent study Amazon determined the 20 most patriotic cities in the country and Atlanta is No. 4. Surprisingly, the nation’s capital is only No. 3.

The rankings were determined based on America-themed flag sales from Amazon’s Lawn and Garden store from the start of the year to June 24 in cities with more than 400,000 residents. The most popular flags include the 8x12-inch U.S. wood stick flag, Valley Forge flag and an all-weather outdoor U.S. flag, according to Amazon.

Here is how the nation’s cities ranked:

1. Virginia Beach, VA

2. Miami

3. Washington, D.C.

4. Atlanta

5. Las Vegas, NV

6. Tucson, AZ

7. Charlotte

8. Seattle

9. San Diego

10. Raleigh

11. Austin

12. Jacksonville, FL

13. Colorado Springs, CO

14. Portland, OR

15. San Jose, CA

16. Indianapolis

17. Omaha, NE

18. Columbus, OH

19. Long Beach, CA

20. Baltimore

While Amazon's Patriotism ranking only took into consideration online flag sales, we think there could be more to it. For many Atlantans, it’s participating in or watching the AJC Peachtree Road Race, for others it’s flying a flag in their front yard -   what do you think?