While most people order cakes and other sweets for birthday celebrations, Tomlin, whose husband does not like sweets, had to think out of the box.

“My husband is not a sweets fan and has never really enjoyed birthday cakes,” Tomlin wrote in an email. “He always jokes about getting a chicken-fried steak cake.”

So, naturally, she called around to see if any restaurants would make the “cake.” Luckily for her and her husband, one Texas restaurant agreed to prepare the creative concoction.

“They were definitely a little shocked but excited to take the challenge,” said Tomlin. “We didn't know exactly how it would turn out but wanted to try it. Well, it turned out amazing. It looked just like a cake and tasted delicious. I am happy to say a Chicken Fried Steak Cake will be happening annually for my husband.”

The Taylor County Taphouse, the restaurant in Abilene, Texas that made the one-of-a-kind cake, won't have the creation on it's menu. But the restaurant's owner, Josh Robinson, told KTXS that they will continue to accept special requests with advanced notice.