1. Man raises 'puppies' for 2 years, discovers they're actually bears: A Chinese man recently got a beary shocking surprise when he discovered that two "puppies" he had raised for years were actually endangered black bears. [Read more]
2. Stone Mountain Park may lose a big meeting in the wake of its decision to continue displaying Rebel flags. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta is reconsidering whether it will hold its annual conference at the park amid threats of boycotts to the park for its prominent display of the Confederate war emblems. [Read more]
3. Paula Deen drew ire on Tuesday following the posting of an image of herself and son Bobby dressed as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo from the old "I Love Lucy" show, but the image is four years old and was posted without her authorization, she has since said. [Read more]
4. Subway spokesman Jared Fogle's home was the target of federal and state agents during an early-morning raid Tuesday, reportedly connected to a child pornography investigation. Subway soon announced it was suspending its relationship with Fogle. [Read more]
5. Critics take aim at Creflo's prosperity gospel: Creflo Dollar, who has resumed his quest for a $65 million jet to expand his ministry, preaches the gospel of prosperity. Not everyone buys into it. [Read more]