Adopting and enforcing the immigration laws of Mexico would sure work — but so would enforcing the current immigration laws of the U.S.

Two and a half hours at Henry General for hernia repair; total bill over $65,000 before insurance adjustments, not including surgeon. This is what is wrong with health care.

Stop complaining about a few people getting some health insurance and start complaining about Congress getting $174,000 of your tax money to work 119 days a year.

I find it funny that progressives think the low approval ratings of Congress only apply to Republicans. Reid and Pelosi have the two lowest approval ratings of all in Congress.

It's not just that hospitals overcharge — they also give you horrible illnesses from their neglect and lack of cleanliness.

The old adage "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach" has been replaced by, "Those who can, do; those who can't become President."

Only a democrat could walk through a cow pasture and claim he stepped in a pile of rose petals.

Republican ratings are low because the liberal polling groups only poll other liberals. DUH!

OK, Halloween is over, so lets put Jason, Freddie and the rest of them back in the closet.

I'm going to start paying my doctors with livestock and produce. That way we will both get something we can use.

Thank God you can't gerrymander a Senate seat.

Yes, let's be shallow and vent about Hollywood and the affairs of politicians and sports figures. That's what we Americans have become.