Q: On Dec. 27, we went to The Hall of Presidents exhibit at Disney World where this exhibit was interrupted by an outburst of “Lock him up” by Jay Malsky, former executive assistant at NBC, at the end of the exhibit when President Donald Trump was speaking. What did Disney do with him afterwards?
—Brenda Brettschneider, Atlanta
A: "I was asked to leave the attraction after meeting with Disney security, who were professional and courteous," Malsky told Q&A on the News via email.
In December, The Hall of Presidents, an attraction at the Magic Kingdom, debuted an animatronic figure of Trump that delivers recorded remarks by the president.
Q: I noticed (in December) when watching the Washington D.C. news shows, that the foliage surrounding the White House and Capitol Hill was still beautiful. Does fall foliage routinely peak later in D.C. than in the Southeast?
—Joel Wilkerson, Atlanta
A: Fall foliage color would peak earlier in D.C. as compared to locations further south, John R. Seiler, a professor of forest biology at Virginia Tech, told Q&A on the News via email.
“The general pattern is regions further north peak sooner than regions further south,” he wrote. “However, this is also is influenced by elevation. At the same latitude trees at higher elevation would peak sooner in the year than trees growing at lower elevations.”
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