Q: A recently reviewed book called “When the Braves Ruled the Diamond” states “the starting pitcher/catcher for the first ever Braves game in 1966 were Joe Torre and Tony Cloninger.” However, didn’t the Braves play an exhibition game against Detroit, which would have been the first game ever played by the Braves in Atlanta?

—Don White, Atlanta

A: The Braves' first official game in Atlanta was the season opener against the Pittsburgh Pirates on April 12, 1966, since it was a regular-season game.

The Braves’ game against Detroit on April 9, 1965, was an exhibition, which “aren’t official,” a Braves spokeswoman told Q&A on the News in an email.

The Braves moved to Atlanta from Milwaukee prior to the 1966 season and Pittsburgh defeated the Braves 3-2 in 13 innings in the season opener at what was then called Atlanta Stadium.

Torre homered twice and Cloninger pitched all 13 innings.

Q: I recently saw where several prominent WXIA on-air and off-air personnel are retiring. Was this a cutback by the station, or did all these employees retire at the same time?

—Duke Claussen, Kennesaw

A: Employees who were 55 and older with at least 15 years with Tegna, which owns WXIA, were offered buyouts this year.

Keith Whitney, Kevin Rowson and Donna Lowry are the 11 Alive on-air personalities who accepted the buyouts, the AJC reported earlier this month.

Andy Johnston with Fast Copy News Service wrote this column. Do you have a question? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).