The Georgia General Assembly at a glance for Tuesday, Day 16 of the 2018 legislative session:
Fresh start: Now that the rewrite of Georgia's adoption laws has passed the Legislature, lawmakers can look toward other priorities. Those issues include the state's budget, taxes, transportation and rural internet.
Midyear budget: The full Georgia House might vote on the state's $306 million amended budget for the 2018 fiscal year, which runs through June 30. The spending will primarily pay for public school and healthcare expenses.
On the floor: The Senate might vote on Senate Bill 315, which would make it a crime to log onto a computer without permission.
In committee: A bill that would allow Sunday alcohol sales to start at 11 a.m. will be reconsidered by the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee. Senate Bill 17, which had previously passed out of committee, would move the pour time from 12:30 p.m. on Sundays.
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