A roundup of editorials from the left.

1. Mississippi Democrats Have a Shot at a Doug Jones–Style Stunner

From Slate: "This is not how it was supposed to go for Republicans—not in Mississippi, a state that hasn't sent a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in more than three decades."

2. Speaking Autocrat to Autocrat: Trump and His Prince

From Washington Post: “The last week has shown that those who feared Trump's despotic inclinations were neither deluded nor alarmist. His shameful indifference to the killing and dismembering of the Saudi journalist and Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi was an act of cold collaboration with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's coverup.”

3. John Roberts can't tame Trump, but his Supreme Court might get it done in the end

From USA Today: “all kinds of judges have ruled against Trump, among them Republican appointees who disagreed with him in cases involving immigration, press freedom and the legitimacy of special counsel Robert Mueller. Those last two decisions came from judges Trump named himself.”