A Roswell grassroots group is pushing for the city to acquire more than 50 acres of undeveloped land on the south side of Holcomb Bridge Road.

The tract lies between Eves Road and Martin Landing's Drive, and residents with the Seven Branches Legacy Project said it contains one of Roswell's last stands of old-growth trees, a series of creeks and a natural canyon.

The group of homeowner associations said buying the Seven Branches property would pave the way for a multi-use trail connecting East Roswell Park, a new library branch and several schools. They also said preserving the land would be good environmental stewardship and a learning tool for area school students, while enhancing Roswell's bike-friendly reputation.

The group has started a change.org petition and has attracted more than 1,700 signatures. To sign, visit: https://www.change.org/p/seven-branches-legacy-project.