Here’s the good news about the crisis over North Korea.
We are not going to war. Donald Trump is not going to nuke Pyongyang. Nor is North Korea’s Kim Jong Un going to nuke Guam.
Yes, I know the president just threatened to meet any more North Korean threats to the United States “with fire and fury like the world has never seen.” This is the kind of extreme military rhetoric by a U.S. president the world has never seen, except by Harry S. Truman before bombing Nagasaki. Kim responded by threatening a pre-emptive strike against Guam, a U.S. territory with American military bases.
But a pre-emptive war is not on the horizon, with one key caveat: My prediction may soon reverse if Trump’s team can’t muzzle the president. For months, observers have warned that Trump’s tweets and careless comments could endanger our country in a crisis. You couldn’t find a better example than the president’s fiery war of words with Kim.
The president’s bombast was off the cuff, at a news conference on opioids in New Jersey. No national security adviser was present, nor was anyone warned beforehand, according to news reports.
Trump not only freaked out our Asian allies, he also risked provoking worse behavior by Pyongyang, where a skittish young leader appears convinced that America wants to carry out a regime change. So, Kim is willing to raise his threat level to scare off the Americans.
Trump’s words were no doubt perceived by Kim as a warning of a likely pre-emptive attack on North Korea, which led to his dangerous riposte on Guam.
But the president also undercut his own team, which was making some important progress in putting the squeeze on Pyongyang. Only last week, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, pushed through the harshest sanctions yet against North Korea’s nuclear program, with China and Russia on board. These sanctions could cut North Korea’s foreign earnings, which fund its military, by a third.
In tandem with the sanctions push, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had made a key statement aimed at reassuring Kim. He said America does “not seek a regime change” or collapse, or an accelerated reunification of the two Koreas. Tillerson also said, “We do not seek an excuse to send our military north of the 38th parallel.”
In other words, despite competing statements from different Trump team officials, the nucleus of a smart North Korea policy was emerging: aggressively pursuing sanctions and compliance from Beijing, moving at a much faster pace than President Barack Obama did with Iran, while trying to reassure Kim of U.S. intent. The goal: to get North Korea to stop testing missiles and nukes and return to the bargaining table.
Then, Trump casually — and without consultation — blew it up.
Trump frequently uses the phrase “like the world has never seen” to brag about his achievements, but in this case the intended audience is not his fan base and the phraseology implies nuclear war.
The “fire and fury” episode sends a warning of where Trump’s loose tongue could lead. That prospect presents a more immediate danger than does Pyongyang.
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