Random thoughts on the passing scene:

Boxing champion Joe Louis once said about an opponent: “He can run but he can’t hide.” In the Congressional elections this year, many Democrats are running away from Barack Obama, but they can’t hide their record of voting for Obama’s agenda.

Now that the Western democracies have learned the hard way what the consequences are when you admit all sorts of people into your country — including people who hate both the principles and the people of your society — will that cause zealots for open borders and amnesty to have some second thoughts, or perhaps first thoughts?

Never take other people for granted. There is a point of no return in all relationships.

Back in 1947, J.A. Schumpeter said, “effective political reasoning consists mainly in trying to exalt certain propositions into axioms and to put others out of court.” That is still the game being played by “global warming” zealots.

Some people question Barack Obama’s competence, because he appointed a man with no medical background to be the Ebola czar. But Obama is not trying to solve a medical problem. He is trying to solve a political problem and a political partisan is the way to do that. Expecting Obama to be concerned about a medical threat to the American people is unrealistic, in view of the man’s whole history.

Too many intellectuals are too impressed with the fact that they know more than other people. Even if an intellectual knows more than anybody else, that is not the same as saying that he knows more than everybody else put together.

Sean Hannity recently pointed out an essential parallel between Islamic extremists and Nazis. One believed that they were the “master race” and the other that they are the only true religion. Both believed that this entitled them to kill others, just for not being part of their group.

Unless the Secret Service is given unambiguous authority to shoot anyone who climbs over the White House fence, without being second-guessed, any president is needlessly at risk — and millions of American voters’ choice for that office can be nullified by any crackpot. You don’t know who is armed or unarmed until it is too late.

Attorney General Eric Holder hit a new low, even for him, when he acted indignant about the leak of evidence supporting the police officer in the Ferguson shooting — on grounds that this was an attempt to influence public opinion before the grand jury makes its ruling. What was Holder doing from day one, other than trying to influence public opinion in the opposite direction?

In going through my mail, I am always amazed at how many people seem to think that a series of unsubstantiated pronouncements constitutes an argument.

Except for Congressional elections, the most important election this year is the close race for governor of Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker has shown that he has substance and guts, rather than image and rhetoric, by opposing the government employee unions that have been bleeding the taxpayers. He would make a far better Republican presidential candidate in 2016 than Congressional phrase-makers or a retreaded candidate who lost in 2012.