DeKalb gov’t needs complete change
There was a time in the not too distant past when DeKalb County government was a role model for other counties in Georgia, as well as those in other states. Over the past several administrations that certainly has changed. Due to unqualified, inept and at times downright corrupt leadership, DeKalb County has morphed into the poster child for poor government. The current debacle in the water department is yet another example of failure. After “investing” $30 million in a new water system, the initiative appears – if you will pardon the pun – to be going down the drain. Apparently there is little that DeKalb County can administer without creating a fiasco. Perhaps a complete change in DeKalb government is the only solution, and that can’t come fast enough!
Southern culture going way of dodo
Enjoy the Southern culture while you can. It is disappearing before our very eyes. A prominent Southern restaurant, OK Café, has moved a work of art featuring the Confederate flag to a less-prominent spot. Peachtree Presbyterian Church has named a second straight Californian as senior pastor. The late, great Frank Harrington must be spinning in his grave. The statue of Southern baseball hero, Ty Cobb, is marooned in downtown Atlanta. Unless the Braves relocate the Cobb statue to Sun Trust Park, they will be revealed to be a gang of carpetbaggers. Andrew Jackson is taken off the U.S. currency. Jackson was a true Southern hero. He was a much greater man than Alexander Hamilton, who should have been taken off the currency. Finally, country music is being completely degraded by pop influences. Say goodbye to the Southern culture.
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