Readers Write: Nov. 9

Insurance price increases the result of greed

Even with no price increases year-to-year, insurance companies would still make money from Obamacare. Prices are raised not because companies need to raise them, but because they want to, for two reasons: 1) their intrinsic greed (now a mainstream American virtue); and 2) the desire to kill Obamacare. State insurance commissioners and regulators, largely Republicans, could veto rate hikes, but they don’t. Their personal coffers are enriched by insurance companies, and they too want to kill Obamacare, even if it means putting at risk the health and lives of millions of Americans. The biggest health insurance increases apply only to a small percentage of Americans, most of them eligible for federal subsidies, with rate increases overall not increasing dramatically. The only better alternative is expanded Medicare and a single-payer system.


Mayor’s use of sirens a bit arrogant

I don’t understand all the fuss just because the mayor uses flashing lights and sirens to override common traffic laws. That’s how royalty and dictators get around in their cities. Although, I guess it does seem a bit arrogant. Now I have to wonder what’s going to keep everyone else with tinted car windows from mounting — and using — flashing lights and sirens. Wouldn’t that be a sight.


Repealing ACA in U.S.’s best interest

Back when the “Affordable Care Act” was being crammed down our throats, the media were busy vilifying the Republicans as horrible obstructionists. We see now that, as they predicted, the law is based on absurd financial and actuarial assumptions and is falling apart as we watch. Fighting the bill’s passage was based on a sincere desire to do what’s best for the country.