Columnist right to call out Trump’s bigotry

I was shocked at the reader’s letter calling Leonard Pitts a racist for pointing out Donald Trump’s bigotry (“Pitts’ ongoing liberal bigotry reflects badly on AJC,” Opinion, May 22). To deny Trump’s bigotry is to ignore the facts. Donald Trump created the birther movement, a blatant attempt to deny our first black president legitimacy by demanding his birth certificate. Trump has made despicable comments about an American judge of Hispanic descent, and has put white nationalists like Jeff Sessions and Steve Bannon in high positions. U.S. Attorney General Sessions in particular plans to continue harsh minimum prison sentences that disproportionately incarcerate African-Americans, which is just fine with President Trump. Finally, Trump has made disparaging remarks on immigrants from Mexico, calling them rapists and criminals, though studies show immigrants have the same crime rate as native Americans. Pitts is right. Trump is clearly a bigot.


Recently, ABC canceled the Rosanne show because of her racial tweet (which was horrible). ABC claimed that it was against their values, which of course was news in and of itself because who knew ABC had any values? At any rate, our own TBS network has a show called Samantha Bee. She is a foul-mouthed progressive from Canada who thinks she is funny. Not only does she drop the “F” bomb repeatedly on her show, but she called the president’s daughter the “C” word, which is the mother of all words directed at females. The question becomes, does TBS have any values? The answer is probably not, as they will probably leave her on the air because progressives have no problem with double standards. Amazingly, TBS will not speak with you on the subject, but would rather refer you to their website.