Voters will turn away from Democrats

The U.S. Senate wiggled out of making important decisions two weekends ago. To be exact, it was Senate Democrats, easily identified in this case as “rats.” They could not resist a blockade of rotten cheese, i.e. political revenge. They forgot immigration law. They forgot that Hillary lost and Trump won. Mindless propaganda, protests and autistic authors now persist in place of truth. Come hell, high water or closed facilities, Democrats want to run the country like a banana republic.

Voters will turn away from the smell of rot no matter who presents it as desirable.


No need for lies, gross exaggerations

To our esteemed politicians: Grow up.

Quit lying, accusing, blaming and get together like adults and make decisions using thorough analysis, an understanding of history, an understanding of our Constitution and an understanding of current realities.

Democrats do not want illegal immigrants to pour across our borders nor do they want to hamstring the military. But those are the words the leaders of the Republicans use. Why the rhetoric? It accomplishes nothing. It is a gross exaggeration.

Not every Republican is a racist, bigot or self-centered egotist. Why say things that imply this is the truth? It accomplishes nothing. It is a gross exaggeration.

Ahh, the truth. That is all we need. Trump did not have the largest crowd, nor did he win the popular vote and it is not necessary to lie about it. Donald, you are the president, so act like it. Be a uniter, like you promised. And all you around him, guide him in that direction.