Federal court’s ruling in line with common sense

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court’s ruling that Title VII of the Civil Rights Law does not create a protected class for gays and lesbians is in keeping with the law and common sense (“Court rules gays, lesbians not protected,” News, July 20). The law protects people with immutable characteristics from discrimination. A black person cannot change his skin color. A white person does not display his sexual orientation for all to see; he or she must announce it or take some action to make it known. That said, it makes little sense to take action against a gay or lesbian absent misbehavior or violation of company rules. It is arguable that this issue is of such national importance, the law should be changed.


Editorial page shows importance of reporting

The July 29 Editorial page, “Building a trustworthy voting system,” handled a very important topic. But I am confused after reading the two “Another View” essays because there seems to be a disagreement between the two writers. In “Don’t repeat voting system mistakes of Georgia’s past,” Cathy Cox states that “just a pen and paper ballot that is later counted on a computerized scanning machine … would be a mistake.” In “Replace Georgia’s risky touchscreen voting machines,” Richard DeMillo states, “Georgia law specifically authorizes the use of optical scanning of paper ballots, a more secure alternative.” Based on who these writers are, one would think they would agree. Since the SAFE commission is to make recommendations to the Legislature in January, how about following their meetings carefully and writing up what elements are necessary for “a trustworthy voting system”? We voters cannot be expected to be experts. We need informed reporting!


Love needed to overcome today’s common hatred

What is with this hatred? In today's America, we are experiencing untold hatred of our neighbors whether they are from elsewhere in the world, or even natives of the U.S.A.

If they are not white, we are suspicious of them. We have people calling the police on their neighbors regardless of whether they are homeowners or leasing, grilling, swimming at neighborhood pools, having lemonade (water) stands, or even politicking.

We have been known to be a melting pot where, in past times, people from elsewhere were welcome.

We used to be able to talk to our neighbors without strife. Now we are just plain suspicious. Our enemies are succeeding in destroying our land from within when we act upon our distrust and hatred.

We have to stop this. According to the Holy Bible, Leviticus 19:33-34, “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.”


Cobb should act now to avoid Atlanta’s problems

What a lot of Cobb County commissioners fail to realize is that many of us residents came to Cobb to get away from the congestion, high parking fees, and crime of downtown Atlanta. Now they are creating the same situation here. Furthermore, why is the Battery called the “Battery Atlanta”? Is Atlanta helping to pay for the stadium, or the police needed for traffic control and security and crime prevention? I hardly think so.

We do not need any more rapid transit buses here in Cobb, either. I often see buses running with very few passengers – if any at all. My neighborhood had to close off one of the entryways because some crooks were riding a bus to Cobb Center and then stealing our cars. So why are we so gung-ho about bringing more congestion and crime to our area?