Universal health care would be best for U.S.

Regarding an April 13 letter, physicians, who expect (and usually get) the most respect and the highest medical incomes, need to come out and admit that the answer to our expensive but ineffective system is universal health care. I am sure many of their RN’s would join them. They know how sorry the system is. The doctors know, but they have learned to live with it. The honorable thing is not to go along to get along but to “first do no harm.” There is no need for insurance companies in health care, period. They are sucking billions out of all of us. Original Medicare, run by the feared “Guvmint,” has done a good job. There is no reason why universal health care cannot do the same. Where profit is not the motive, it would be possible for a senior citizen to find a gerontologist where none are now available. Also, the disgusting drug/congressional complex could be brought to heel. “The poor we will have always with us.” A relatively small portion of what is now paid to insurance companies would be more than enough to ensure care for everyone.


Comic’s slam of Melania Trump is inexcusable

There have been many salacious comments made about our current president and first lady. While many can be ignored and brushed off as ignorant or condescending, Jimmy Kimmel’s is inexcusable. To mock Melania Trump’s diction of “this and that” as “dis and dat” is the most egregious statement yet. She speaks six languages, which says a lot about her intelligence. She has class and took time from her busy schedule to read a book to children on Easter, only to be the butt of a joke by a talk show host. Did Kimmel need a laugh so badly that he made himself look foolish and silly? I am incensed, and hope that the decent people of America are as well.