Media, liberals will still be wailing in Trump’s 2nd term
The mainstream media advanced the story of President Trump and Russian collusion. The Democrats followed suit. However, as the story petered out with no hint of collusion, and with Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation looming too far into the future, the attention of the general public waned. Now in recent weeks, several females have come forward accusing President Trump of inappropriate behavior that occurred years before he was president, and not in the White House. The mainstream media and Democrats have touted these accusations as the truth, thinking surely in the “Me Too” atmosphere that President Trump would be delegitimized. Yet polls show his base including evangelicals remain loyal; they knew what they were getting. I predict President Trump will be re-elected for a second term, and the mainstream media and Democrats will continue to hyperventilate while President Trump continues making America great.
Regarding “Climate change alarmists cause financial harm” (Readers Write, March 25), James Rust of the Heartland Institute calls into question the bias of research on climate change and its effect on our economy. Climate deniers cause significant financial harm by avoiding addressing a problem that affects our food sources, residences and national security. Their loud, often false opinions have created a divisive tenor surrounding climate discussion among politicians. If our policymakers do not have access to evidence-based science, our climate will continue to become more volatile and costly for American citizens. The best way to avoid choosing winners and losers in the market based on questionable science is to place a fee on carbon and return the revenue to households as a dividend. Pricing carbon is the way of the future; denying climate science is the way of the past.
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