Close your eyes and picture Atlanta Habitat for Humanity. You probably see lots of volunteers coming together to build a home. You likely imagine the house taking shape quickly. And perhaps you have an image of a happy family receiving the keys. If so, all of that is accurate. But it is far from the full story. Atlanta Habitat builds so that homeowners and their families can thrive. Today we are focused on going beyond one home at a time – to uplifting communities.

The process of becoming a homebuyer requires discipline, perseverance and a strong work ethic. It includes homeowner education and financial literacy. We empower homeowners to be voices in their communities – to engage civically to make their communities better. As they build their homes with us, we teach skills that are transferable to children.

Studies demonstrate the exponential impact of homeownership on children, including increases in educational attainment, success in school and increased high school graduation rates. These changes have lifelong impact such as attending college, enjoying higher lifetime incomes, and future self-sufficiency and homeownership.

We also know that strong communities improve all of these outcomes. We will build 46 homes this year, and these families will be in their own home for the holidays. We are investing in our communities and partnering with other groups to make sure our homebuyers have safe communities, green space and parks, access to healthy food and safe streets, and developed structures instead of vacant, blighted lots.

We cannot do it alone. Imagine a city block where Atlanta Habitat homeowners and police officers are neighbors. Think of us providing affordable, beautifully designed Atlanta Habitat homes in Atlanta Beltline neighborhoods and along the Westside trail – and working as part of the coalition of organizations that are reinventing the West Side. Atlanta Habitat invested in infill houses on the West Side more than 10 years ago. Many of the remaining residents who have maintained their homes and taken back their blocks are part of our family. We know that our homeowners deserve safe neighborhoods with amenities, and we are going to do our part and share our expertise.

We are thankful for the many volunteers, homeowners, sponsors, partners and staff that allow us to be part of building strong communities. To join us in this important work, please contact us at, 404-223-5180, or visit our headquarters or ReStore at 824 Memorial Drive SE in Atlanta.