Gene Simmons has opened up about what he thinks of celebrities endorsing political movements.

Simmons, the co-founder and bassist for the legendary rock band KISS, appeared on Fox Business to speak about the dangers of celebrities getting involved in politics and how he thinks that the only way for a celebrity to affect change in politics is through voting.

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“Why anybody in the fifth estate would care what a celebrity thinks or otherwise is the height of foolishness,” Simmons said.

“I think celebrities should basically shut their pie-holes and do what they do best.”

Simmons went on to speak of the foolishness of protesting the election when people who protest don’t vote and make excuses for it.

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“I saw some of the great examples of democracy, people actually demonstrating on the street and so on,” Simmons shared. “When a newscaster went up and asked, ‘What are you demonstrating against?’ [protesters answered,] ‘We don’t like our president,’ and then the reporter asked, ‘Did you vote?’ ‘Well, I forgot to tie my shoelaces, the dog ate my homework.'”

Simmons then came out in support of the Electoral College, which he said was created to solve the issue of the popular vote; described himself as “well-read”; and finished by advertising a casino restaurant.