Search engine giant Google is being accused of manipulating search results to in favor of Hillary Clinton, who is now the likely Democratic nominee for president.

The report, investigated and reported by SourceFed and released on Thursday, argues that Google, in comparison to other search engines Bing and Yahoo, is burying unfavorable stories about Clinton.

“Thanks to the help of our editor Spencer Reed, SourceFed has discovered that Google has been actively altering search recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton’s campaign so quietly that we were unable to see it for what it was until today,” said SourceFed’s Matt Lieberman in the video.

Aside from potentially altering their algorithms to help Clinton’s image, the SourceFed report revealed that Eric Schmidt -- the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc., and former CEO of Google -- is also a major funder of Ground Work, which specializes in data analytics. SourceFed found that Ground Work is among the Clinton campaign’s most expensive outside contractors, billing it $177,000 in the second quarter of 2015 alone.

SourceFed said that there is no indication that the Clinton campaign had a hand in the Google manipulation.

Google did not respond requests for comment by Rare at the time of this publication.