Pedicabs and other nonmotorized vehicles for hire in Woodstock must be licensed and are restricted to streets with speed limits of 25 mph or less, the City Council has decided.

The council recently held a second, final vote of approval for an ordinance and regulations. They specify a pedicab license fee of $100 and a driver’s permit fee of $50, and come with a map showing streets where pedicabs can operate.

Other language addresses insurance; driver’s minimum age, 16; pedicab identification, safety and cleanliness; display of rate cards; handling lost property; mandatory inspections by a mechanic or reputable bike shop; and a requirement for reflectors and electrically powered lights.

The rules also detail safe operations, such as not taking fares or letting passengers board while a vehicle is in motion; not operating on a sidewalk; and not loading or unloading in the traffic lanes of a street. Violations are punishable by fines up to $500, jail time of up to 90 days, or both, and the loss of one’s pedicab license or driver’s permit.

Horse-drawn carriages are “expressly prohibited” within city limits except for certain purposes, such as parades.