What kind of milk do you pour on your cereal?
One percent? Two percent? Skim?
We'll hazard a guess that the last time you drank whole milk was in kindergarten. And for good reason. For decades we've been told that full-fat whole milk isn't the most healthy milk choice because of the saturated fat it contains.
Now a growing body of research suggests that maybe that recommendation wasn't on the mark. So buy a gallon and drink up, right?
Not so fast. The potential benefits and risks are under consideration by the government as it finalizes new Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Guidelines should be released by the end of the year.
But a reversal on whole milk after so many decades is likely to make most of us throw up our hands and grab a carton of ice cream.
Is switching to whole milk a sound diet decision? Should you be drinking milk at all? See what Georgia nutrition experts have to say.
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