What's cool about the cold?

We asked @AJC Twitter followers to offer some positive spin on the record cold weather. Here's what they said:

-- Frozen poop is easier to scoop! TerraM

-- You don't have to see big sweaty men in summer clothes. Celebrated_Soul

-- The Jehovah Witnesses are in hibernation ... no early Saturday morning knocks on the door. Only1divadee

-- Hot toddies are fair game ALL DAY LONG. jhGrant

-- That ajc newspaper now has great use! Nice warm toboggan! snuton

-- You can gain lots of weight and blame it on the multiple layers of clothing you're wearing. December_4th

-- I can leave my groceries in the car ALL DAY. KelseyAgnew

-- My old dog can't walk far in the heat, but she thinks #coldiscool -- she walked 2 miles with me this morning. BarbaraNixon

-- Wanna go ice skating??? Just throw a bucket of cold water outside & enjoy!! Beanzz

-- You can always call off work due to car problems! December_4th

-- My kids don't pester me relentlessly for popsicles from @KingofPops. JHGrant

-- Busted frozen pipes and driveways become instant ice rinks. rocking rob

-- The 2 furry heaters that cling to me. kmblackwell

-- Milk and eggs will not spoil if left in the car! 1moretennisnut

-- My kitties have become super snugglers! msbsbl

-- 2 words: no mosquitoes. JZWhip

-- No cutting grass thats why. comup

-- It's a good day to cuddle up with a good book. cobblibrary

-- The ice in my dr pepper doesn't melt and water down my drink. chirpyKT

-- Because it's too cold for those pesky bugs to bite you. Celebrated_Soul

-- Bcuz it keeps the dogs from humpin' in my yard. AintYouYou

-- Finally get to use the heated seats of Jeep! Thanks, Chilly Willy! snuton

-- You can see Orion in the southern sky all winter long. AtlantainMotion

-- I keep our sodas out in the garage all winter to stay cool. JenOgden

-- When I WAS in school, they shut down school when it got below 10 degrees. Beauty_CP

-- My groceries stay cool in the trunk. I can make other stops. JasonAJulien

-- My hair doesn't frizz. Collie1013

-- I'm getting lots of exercise running back & forth to heated shelter. Raychiller

-- The ice cream doesn't melt in your trunk because you're trying to get the kids in the house from the grocery store. Cre8tivkim