Tyrone is asking its citizens to provide input on a Fayette County transportation survey that could significantly impact local traffic.

In a newsletter issued Thursday, Town Manager Brandon Perkins said that a consultant working on the county’s transportation plan recommends expanding the Tyrone Road-Palmetto Road corridor to four lanes, which Perkins and other town officials oppose. Perkins noted that at previous public meetings, “many citizens from outside of Tyrone were in favor of this idea…because the only impact for them is…quicker travel across the county.” Perkins wants more Tyrone residents to comment on the survey before it closes on Nov. 30.

The survey, at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FayetteFeedback, solicits opinions about the Tyrone-Palmetto corridor as well as three others on Banks Road, Sandy Creek Road, and SR 279. Feedback can also be sent to Fayette County officials at publicworks@fayettecountyga.gov.