Donor found for toddler born without kidneys; Tyler Perry buys mother car

Two-year-old A.J. Burgess with his parents, Carmellia Burgess and Anthony Dickerson. A.J. was born without kidneys. His father is a perfect match and willing donor, but hospital protocol pushed back the surgery after Dickerson violated probation. (Handout)

Credit: Handout

Credit: Handout

Two-year-old A.J. Burgess with his parents, Carmellia Burgess and Anthony Dickerson. A.J. was born without kidneys. His father is a perfect match and willing donor, but hospital protocol pushed back the surgery after Dickerson violated probation. (Handout)

A Gwinnett County mother whose toddler has been waiting for a kidney transplant his whole life was gifted a car on Tuesday — hours before a kidney donor was found.

Carmellia Burgess brought her son home from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta on Nov. 8, where he’d been since Oct. 29.

The family expected to wait for the news that his father, Anthony Dickerson, would be permitted to donate a kidney after a battle with the transplant team over his criminal history.

AJ battled a potentially deadly infection, contracted pneumonia, had surgery to implant a new port for his dialysis treatments and received blood transfusions before he was released from the hospital, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution previously reported.

But his mother didn’t have a car to get AJ to his hemodialysis appointments three times a week, she posted on Facebook.

That trouble ended Tuesday, when actor Tyler Perry gifted Burgess with a new car.

The family later learned a deceased donor kidney will be given to AJ on Wednesday, attorney Mawuli Davis said.

“Father and mother are there excited and are being supported by Mr. Dickerson’s mentor, David Manuel, and Pastor Derrick Rice from Sankofa Church.

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