5 things to know: These are the most overpriced items on the menu


Credit: Thomas Cordy

Credit: Thomas Cordy

Here are five things you need to know tonight:

1. Two Georgia women have filed a class action lawsuit alleging a massive data breach by Secretary of State Brian Kemp involving the Social Security numbers and other private information of more than six million voters statewide. The state has blamed a "clerical error." [Read more]

2. A former Atlanta police officer has been charged with murder in Douglas County. [Read more]

3. According to restaurant owners and chefs, certain foods on the menu are a waste of money and are strategically priced to fool customers. [Chefs reveal the list]

4. In his new column, Bill Torpy reports on the latest battle in the war on free parking in Atlanta. [Read his column]

5. Weather alert: A flood warning and a flood watch are in effect for many metro Atlanta counties. [See the complete forecast]