Yes, we need term limits for Congress! Too many of those stuffed shirts think we work for them.
Yes, Patricia Arquette, I agree with equal pay for women and men. I want to be paid the same as you.
The difference between New York City and Atlanta streetcars is that NYC has actual tourists who want to see the city. ATL has people trying to run from crime.
Congressional members don't have term limits because they would have to amend the Constitution for that. It is self-serving to have no term limits. Speaks volumes about the members, doesn't it?
Now that we're normalizing relations with Cuba, when can we give them back their prisoners, who have been sitting in federal facilities on my dime for 35 years?
Way to go Deal. Bus drivers were hard enough to hire beforehand, now you went and took away the one thing that makes the job worth having.
I actually saw some guy cut off a school bus this morning so he could get into the turn lane at the last minute. I'm like, really? You're that selfish?
If the ladies from The Real morning show are so real, why do they wear so much makeup?
The peepers may be singing, but I hope they have their overcoats handy. Winter ain't over by a long shot.
The new Falcons stadium is still a better deal than a stupid streetcar.
What's disturbing about cannabis oil is that seizure research hasn't come up with a better answer. And my question is: why not?
NPH (Doogie Howser) tried too hard this time to outdo himself.
No, we're not paying for good government. You get what you pay for, and the government we get is that we're paying for.
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