I wonder if there would still be a shutdown had this been an election year? The pols are counting on us having bad memories next year so let's disappoint them big time!

Democrats and Republicans need to stop keeping score on wins and losses and govern the way most Americans want.

To the dual income couple portrayed in the media recently furloughed from the CDC: If you are having trouble paying your bills this soon after being furloughed, you need to examine your spending habits.

The genius who told Obama he needs to shut down parks and public malls during the shutdown just added another million fed up voters for the TeaParty.

Raising the debt ceiling doesn't have to raise the debt in theory, but in practice, it does. It's like, why would you want to raise your credit limit on your credit card?

Where in Atlanta can I pump gas into my car and not be hassled by panhandlers at the same time?

My healthcare insurance premium has steadily risen over the years. It has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act and everything to do with insurance companies.

Is the leader of the Republican Congress Boehner, Cruz, Limbaugh, Ryan, or Paul?

Maybe the government will be reopen and raise the debt ceiling when Social Security is not paid and Vets do not receive their benefits.

President Obama should give the Republicans everything they ask for in the next 2 years. He can blame them for anything that goes wrong or take credit when things improve. He can't lose.