Drivers, the solid yellow lines to your left and right mean you are not to get in that lane until it becomes a split white line. I'm tired of pulling into the turning lane only to have to pull back because you pulled in 1/2 mile back.

The schools are closed, the roads are salted, all the bread and milk bought. Now what happens if we have a real snow storm?

You don't have to be moron to send in vents but it helps get them published if you are.

Whoever decided that we should have only one space after a sentence clearly never tried to read technical and legal documents where every third word is capitalized (like acronyms and company names), and where words followed by periods (like U.S. and Corp.) are on every other line. The combination is unreadable without some distinction between sentences!

Are you sure you don't have your lanes crossed?

Why in the world when banks are loaning money at zero percent interest, would you think that now is the time to save money? Where do you think they get that money to loan?

I do not understand why a terrorist nuke has not gone off somewhere. Are we that good or are they that stupid?

My new favorite TV star - the baby getting a bath in Johnson Baby Bath. Watching her, you feel all is right with the world.

How can a dog tell you something "in person"?

Why are basketball coaches always shown with their mouths open?

I know now GSP stands for, Georgia's Stupid People!

We wait until the last second to get into the turn lane because we know that someone is lagging at least 4 car links behind the one in front of them.

Former Fire Chief Cochran wasn't forced to violate his faith. All he had to do was keep his mouth closed.

How does interest drive savings?

Another word for political correctness is truth.